Seniors to receive their first batch of TraceTogether Tokens from 28 June 2020
Seniors to receive their first batch of TraceTogether Tokens from 28 June 2020
These tokens will be distributed to the most vulnerable seniors who are not currently digitally connected
min read Published on 08 Jul 2020

The Smart National and Digital Government Office (SNDGO) has announced that the first batch of TraceTogether Tokens will be distributed from 28 June 2020 to the most vulnerable seniors who are not digitally connected. This Token does not trace your location, reveal your identity, nor retain your data. It will only be used to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key features of the TraceTogether Token:

  • Unique QR code and personalised for the recipient’s individual use only
  • Works by exchanging Bluetooth signals with other TraceTogether Tokens or mobile phones running the TraceTogether app nearby
  • Data will be encrypted and kept in the Token for no more than 25 days
  • User will be alerted by an authorised officer from the Ministry of Health (MOH) contact tracing team if they were detected to be a close contact of a COVID-19 patient
  • Battery life of 6 to 9 months and does not require any charging
  • No GPS and therefore does not capture geolocation data – it only captures proximity data of other Tokens or TraceTogether apps via Bluetooth technology
  • No Internet or cellular connectivity, so the encrypted data cannot be remotely extracted from the Token. The user will be contacted for the data download only if they are confirmed to be infected with COVID-19
  • Convenient, light, and easy to use

Volunteers and staff will be providing simple instructions on how to care for the device and what to do when the Token is faulty or misplaced. Users will also be reminded to carry their Tokens with them whenever they leave their homes.

Assistance for TraceTogether Token users:
