Broader re-opening in Phase Two: What businesses and activities will resume?
Broader re-opening in Phase Two: What businesses and activities will resume?
Phase Two will see the resumption of most retail, F&B dine-in and sports and other public facilities.
min read Published on 28 May 2020

As Singapore exits the Circuit Breaker, it will enter Phase One of the re-opening on 2 June.

If community infection rates remain low and stable over the subsequent two weeks, the Multi-Ministry Taskforce can then decide to proceed with Phase 2 , which could happen before the end of June.

Here are the businesses and activities we can expect to see resuming when we enter Phase Two.

Retail, F&B and other services

Subject to safe management measures,group size and capacity limits being met, the following will be allowed to resume:

  • Most business activities, including retail, food and beverage dine-in, personal health and wellness, as well as home-based services

  • Sports and other public facilities, including stadiums and swimming pools

For higher-risk activities (large numbers of people interacting, often in enclosed spaces, for prolonged periods of time), government agencies will engage businesses and organisations on how they might resume safely.

Safe management measures and safeguards will be needed.

" All of these venues, based on our experience and overseas experience, have been instances where there have been cases of transmissions in such settings, and so we want to take a more cautious approach for activities in these areas to resume. "
- Minister Lawrence Wong

For these activities, the Government will discuss with the organisations the timing of resumption in Phase Two:

  • Religious services and congregations;
  • Cultural venues (Eg. art galleries, libraries and museums)
  • Large-scale events and venues (Eg.conferences, exhibitions, concerts and trade fairs)
  • Entertainment venues (Eg. bars, nightclubs, karaoke outlets, cinemas, theatres)

Social interactions and family visits

In Phase Two, masks will remain compulsory when you’re outside your home.

Small-group social gatherings of up to five persons will be allowed. Within the home, households may receive up to five visitors per day. 


Seniors should continue to exercise extra caution and stay home as much as possible.

To better support seniors and their caregivers, more senior services and programmes will resume with the appropriate safe management measures in place.

Some face-to-face social services for other vulnerable groups will resume with safe management measures.


Schools will fully re-open from end June.

Institutes of Higher Learning will gradually increase the number of students back on campus at any one time for face-to-face learning.

Be socially responsible

As restrictions ease and activities resume, we must exercise social responsibility to keep community transmission numbers low.

  • Observe good personal hygiene
  • Adhere to safe management measures
  • Avoid crowded places
  • Employers and employees should continue implementing safe management measures and be responsible at all times.

The health of all depends on each one of us.

For more information, click here.
