How is my vote still secret if the ballot paper has a serial number on it?
How is my vote still secret if the ballot paper has a serial number on it?
Your vote is still secret - the serial number exists solely to protect the integrity of the vote.
min read Published on 15 Aug 2023

The serial number on the ballot paper is to protect the integrity of the electoral process. It enables accounting of all ballot papers issued and cast, and safeguards against counterfeiting and voter impersonation.

When the ballot paper is issued, the voter serial number is written on the ballot paper counterfoil to facilitate vote tracing if necessary. This is allowed only if there is an order from the Court arising from an election petition, and the Court must be satisfied that votes have been fraudulently cast this affecting the result of the election.

Calling out the voter serial number and voter’s name allows voters to acknowledge that the Presiding Officer has identified the right name and makes the proceedings more transparent to polling agents who are representing their candidates to observe the proceedings.

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This article is accurate as of August 2023.
