COVID-19: Advisories for Various Sectors
COVID-19: Advisories for Various Sectors
Phase 2 COVID-19 sector-specific advisories
min read Published on 18 Nov 2020

Phase 2 Sector specific advisories



Ministry of Health (MOH)
25 Jun 2020
(Updated) Health Advisory for Persons Issued Stay-Home Notice
18 Jun 2020Enablers to Support Safe Re-opening 
17 Jun 2020Support for Seniors in Phase Two
15 Jun 2020
Gradual Re-opening of Travel and Changes to Border Measures
15 Jun 2020
Moving Into Phase Two of Re-opening
Building and Construction Authority (BCA)
19 Jun 2020
BCA FAQs for Management Corporations (MCSTs) and Managing Agents (MAs) (updated 19 Jun 20)
18 Jun 2020Re-opening of Sports and Recreation Facilities in Condominiums 
Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)
19 Jun 2020
Advisories for COVID -19 Situation
Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS)
17 Jul 2020Community Urged to Maintain Vigilance When Participating in Mosque Congregational Prayers
Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY)
24 Jun 2020
Contact–free Temperature Self-check Kiosks to be Deployed at Public Transport Locations Islandwide 
22 Jun 2020
MCCY Unveils Plans for Sport Sector in Singapore
18 Jun 2020Resumption of more religious activities in Phase Two
Ministry of Manpower (MOM)18 Jun 2020
Safe Rest Days For Dormitory Residents In Phase 2
Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)15 Jun 2020Safe Transition to Phase Two of the Re-opening for the Financial Sector
National Environment Agency (NEA) 17 Jun 2020NEA to Raise Toilet Cleanliness Standards and Urges Public to Maintain Good Public Hygiene at Hawker Centres and Coffeeshops
17 Jun 2020
Safe Management Measures In Phase 2 at Hawker Centres and Markets
16 Jun 2020
NEA to Open Choa Chu Kang Cemetery and All Government-Managed Columbaria from 19 June 2020
National Heritage Board (NHB)
19 Jun 2020
Phase Two of Re-opening for Museum Stakeholders
National Parks Board (NParks) 23 Jul 2020Advisories pertaining to COVID-19 (Phase 2)
17 Jun 2020Reopening of some park facilities and resumption of services in Phase Two
15 Jun 2020
Operational Guidelines for the Animal and Veterinary Sector
Singapore Land Authority (SLA) 
17 Jun 2020Singapore Land Authority to Re-open Playfields and Beaches
Singapore Police Force (SPF)
18 Jun 2020
Advisory for Phase 2 Re-opening of Public Entertainment Venues
Singapore Tourism Board (STB)
4 Jul 2020
Advisory on COVID-19 for Visitors and Tourism Businesses
3 Jul 2020
Advisory for Hotels
28 Jun 2020
Advisory for Tours
Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)
16 Jun 2020
Re-opening of Show Galleries and Resumption of Business Activities

For more sector specific advisories, please visit MOH's webpage.
