Managing Cost of Living
Managing Cost of Living
How to stretch your dollar


Managing Cost of Living

To help Singaporeans cope with cost-of-living concerns, the Government has unveiled a suite of support measures as announced at Budget 2024. This includes a $1.9 billion enhancement to the Assurance Package, comprising additional CDC vouchers, cash payouts and rebates to provide more support for households, as well as SkillsFuture Credit top-ups and training allowances for workers. As part of the Majulah Package, seniors will also enjoy additional boost for their retirement and healthcare needs. 

For more details on the support measures, please refer to Budget 2024

Find out the estimated benefits available for you and your family with the Support For You calculator!


Support at a Glance

Support at a Glance

Assurance for You

Poster available in the following languages:
Support at a Glance

U-Save and S&CC Rebates

Poster available in the following languages:

Cost-saving Tips/Hacks

You Know or Not?

Cost of living tips and hacks - You Know or Not


You Know or Not? is a 4-part series featuring cost-saving tips and life hacks from professionals and enthusiasts across various fields.


Learn practical, effective and innovative cost-saving tips to help you manage your expenses more efficiently.

Your Everyday Essentials

Together in the Lorongs

Together in the Lorongs

Thinking of ways to better stretch your dollar? ‘Together in the Lorongs’ is a series of heartwarming community initiatives available across the island to help support Singaporeans in need! 

Be it food options, health screenings or affordable clothes and accessories, the Lorongs have you covered. Check out the various programmes for more! 
The support measures above are not exhaustive. For further assistance, visit the Ministry of Social and Family Development website to locate your nearest Social Service Office, or call the ComCare hotline at 1800-222-0000.