5 Ways You Can Support Green Causes
5 Ways You Can Support Green Causes
How we can support local environmental movements
min read Published on 31 May 2021

Interested in supporting environmental causes, but not sure how to get started? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Reduce Food Wastage
  2. Did you know that in a year alone, Singapore generates over 744 million kilograms of food waste, which is roughly the weight of 51,000 double decker buses?

    While we can each play our part as by cooking or ordering only what we can finish, consider donating to Community Fridges if you have excess or unsold food. This initiative aims to reduce food wastage while offering a helping hand to those in need.

    Community fridges can be found across Singapore, such as Tampines and Chong Pang.

  3. Say No to Plastic
  4. To reduce plastic waste when shopping, remember to bring your own reusable tote bag, and buy things in bulk where possible.

    A green initiative you can also support is the Bounce Bags initiative, which aims to help citizens build eco-consciousness by encouraging residents to pick up or donate free reusable bags at designated sharing points. In this way, reusable bags are “bounced” from one household to another!

    Find out more about the project, and see where’s the closest sharing point near you at plasticlite.sg.

  5. One Million Trees Movement
  6. As the name suggests, the OneMillionTrees movement was launched with the aim of planting over 1 million trees in Singapore, as a nationwide effort to restore nature back into our city. Since its launch in April 2020, over 212,000 trees have already been planted across our country.

    Support this cause by signing up for a tree planting exercise near you, or donate to the cost of a young tree and plant it yourself. For more information, click here.

  7. Volunteer with NParks
  8. Are you passionate about green and sustainable living?

    Join the NParks Volunteer Programme to make a difference in our nature and green spaces! There is a wide range of volunteer opportunities such as in horticulture management, building a community garden, and conducting biodiversity surveys. For more information, visit the NParks website today!

  9. Support SG Green Plan 2030
  10. Do you have any ideas on how we can become a greener country?

    Join the conversation about Singapore Green Plan 2030 by filling up the form here.

    As part of the Green Plan, there will be a series of Green Plan Conversations helmed by the leading Ministers with Singaporeans and partners for the co-creation of green solutions for our nation. Livestreaming of the conversation will be available via Minister Grace Fu’s Facebook page.
