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Support for Households
29 June 2022
Helping Singaporean households defray rising expenses

[Updated 17 October 2022]
Are you feeling the impact of rising energy and food prices, and having to spend more on your household bills? Here’s how the Government is helping Singaporean households defray their living expenses.
CDC Vouchers*
In January 2023, every Singaporean household will receive an additional $100 worth of CDC vouchers, which can be spent at participating heartland merchants. This amounts to a total of $300 in CDC Vouchers in January 2023, including the $200 CDC Vouchers under the $6.6 billion Assurance Package for GST announced at Budget 2022.
Under the Assurance Package, there will be another tranche of $200 CDC vouchers disbursed to all Singaporean households in 2024.
Doubled U-Save rebates*
Households living in HDB flats will receive double their regular GST Voucher - U-Save rebates to offset their utility bills every quarter in FY22 under the $560 million Household Support Package. This amounts to 8 to 10 months’ worth of utility bills for the average household living in 1- and 2-room HDB flats, and about 4 to 6 months’ worth of utility bills for those living in 3- and 4-room HDB flats. These additional rebates will be extended till 2026 under the Assurance Package.
Household Utilities Credit top-up
As part of the Support Package announced in June 2022, every Singaporean household living in a residential property in Singapore received a $100 Household Utilities Credit to help offset utility bills. The top-up was directly disbursed to the eligible households’ SP Group utilities accounts in September 2022.
Cash Payouts
Every Singaporean aged 21 years and above in 2022 to 2026 will receive Assurance Package Cash Payouts amounting to between $700 to $1,600 over five years to cushion the impact of the GST increase. The first payout will be disbursed in December 2022.
Under the new $1.5 billion support package announced in October 2022, 2.5 million eligible adult Singaporeans will also receive a Cost of Living (COL) Special Payment of up to $500 cash to be disbursed in December 2022.
Top-up to education accounts*
To provide additional support for your children’s education-related expenses, every Singaporean child aged 20 and below will receive a one-off $200 top-up to the Child Development Account, Edusave account, or Post-Secondary Education Account. This top-up will benefit about 790,000 children and is in addition to the annual Edusave contribution by the Government.
Enhancement to Baby Bonus Scheme
From 2021, parents who have their second child will receive double the previous maximum co-matching amount from the Government in their Child Development Account to help build up savings for the child that can be spent on approved use at Baby Bonus Approved Institutions. Visit here to learn more about how the Baby Bonus Scheme helps to lighten the financial costs of raising children.
Subsidies for pre-school education
All families with a Singaporean child attending childcare and infant care programmes receive the Basic Subsidy. For more families to enjoy higher pre-school subsidies, the Government raised the monthly income ceiling for additional subsidies from $7,500 to $12,000 from 2020. Low-income families can pay as little as $3 per month for full-day childcare at government-supported preschools.
*These are support measures under the Household Support Package introduced in Budget 2022. For more information on the Household Support Package, please click here.
Looking for schemes you are eligible for? Check out SupportGoWhere. For more help, visit go.gov.sg/ssolocator to locate your nearest Social Service Office, or call the ComCare hotline at 1800-222-0000.
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