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Support for Singaporeans in greater need
29 June 2022
More relief for lower-income Singaporeans to keep daily necessities affordable
[Updated 17 October 2022]
To extend more help to Singaporeans disproportionately affected by the higher prices, the Government is investing more resources and enhancing existing schemes.
In October 2022, the Government announced a new support package that will provide further cost of living relief, with more support for lower- to middle-income groups. This package builds on the support measures announced in Budget 2022, April 2022 and June 2022.
Higher cash payout from GST Voucher Scheme
Enhancements to the permanent GST Voucher (GSTV) scheme announced at Budget 2022 will enhance the regular GSTV–Cash payouts to further offset the GST expenses of lower- to middle-income Singaporean households.
Starting from the payout in August 2022, more Singaporeans will qualify for the permanent GSTV-Cash payouts as the annual Assessable Income threshold will be increased from $28,000 to $34,000.
Eligible Singaporeans will receive up to $400 of regular cash payout in August 2022, which is $100 more compared to the current rates. This will be further increased to up to $500 in 2023.
In addition to these enhancements, GSTV-Cash recipients will receive a Special Payment of up to $300 cash in August as part of the targeted support package announced in June 2022. About 1.5 million Singaporeans will be eligible for this Special Payment.
Enhancements to ComCare Assistance
Successful applicants for ComCare Short- to Medium-Term Assistance (SMTA) may receive monthly cash assistance, assistance with household bills and medical assistance at public healthcare institutions.
All new clients who apply for financial assistance via from April to September 2022 will receive at least six months of support. If your household is already on ComCare SMTA and more support is needed, assistance can be extended for at least another three months.
Under the support package announced in June 2022, ComCare will be enhanced to provide additional assistance to households on SMTA and Long-Term Assistance (LTA). New applicants or those renewing their existing SMTA can expect to receive higher cash assistance and support for their utility expenses, depending on their household composition, needs and income. Households with more members will receive more.
Enhanced Workfare Income Supplement
Workfare Income Supplement helps to support lower-wage Singaporean workers whose earnings are in the bottom 20% of the working population. Eligible workers will receive support via cash and CPF top-ups to supplement their income and retirement savings.
From 2023, the Workfare Income Supplement will be enhanced to provide higher annual payouts of up to $4,200 for eligible Singaporean worker. More recipients will qualify for this support, with the qualifying monthly income cap raised from $2,300 to $2,500 and the coverage extended to include those aged 30 to 34.
Jobs Growth Incentive extension
The Jobs Growth Incentive (JGI) provides support for employers to hire mature jobseekers who have not been working for at least six months, as well as persons with disabilities or ex-offenders. To sustain support for employers of vulnerable workers, the Government will extend the current phase of JGI from September 2022 to March 2023 as part of the targeted support package announced in June 2022.
Public Transport Vouchers
From December 2022, 600,000 Public Transport Vouchers worth $30 each will be made available for resident households with monthly household income per person of $1,600, under the new support package announced in October 2022.
PTVs can be used to top up fare cards or buy Monthly Travel / Concession Passes. More information can be found on Public Transport Vouchers.
MOE Financial Assistance Schemes
To defray school expenses for more students, MOE will be raising the income eligibility criteria for financial assistance schemes. This will take effect from 1 January 2023 for primary, secondary and pre-university students, and from AY2023 for government bursaries for post-secondary education institutions (PSEIs). The bursary quanta for full-time Institute of Technical Education (ITE) students will also be enhanced from AY2023, with those from lower-income households benefitting from the highest increase.
Looking for schemes you are eligible for? Check out SupportGoWhere. For more help, visit go.gov.sg/ssolocator to locate your nearest Social Service Office, or call the ComCare hotline at 1800-222-0000.
Click on the links below to learn how the Government is supporting these groups
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Households | Lower-income Singaporeans
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