Everything you need to know about Stay-Home Notice
Everything you need to know about Stay-Home Notice
Remain in your place of residence at all times for 14 days.
min read Published on 25 Jun 2020

[Updated as of 16 Jul]


  1. Remain in your place of residence at all times during the SHN period

    Do not leave your residence, even if it is to purchase food and essentials. If necessary, you may opt for home delivery services or enlist the assistance of others for your daily necessities.

    If applicable, inform your employer or school that you have been issued a SHN as soon as possible.

  2. Minimise contact with others, and avoid interaction with others in your residence

    Avoid interaction with others you live with. You are prohibited from coming into contact with other persons (who do not stay with you) within 2 metres, other than for the purposes of receiving delivery of food or other essential supplies.

    If sharing a house with others, stay in your own room as much as possible and use a dedicated toilet if possible. 

    The prohibition against leaving your residence is strict. You are not permitted to leave your place of residence to use common facilities in your estate/building such as the pool, gym, or playground.

    Avoid interactions with vulnerable persons, for example, seniors aged 60 and above or persons with underlying health conditions, even if you are not experiencing any symptoms. Consider alternative accomodations if these interactions cannot be avoided.

  3. Only leave residence for your scheduled COVID-19 test appointment

    You may only leave your residence for your scheduled COVID-19 test appointment at the designated testing facility, and you must return back immediately to your residence after the test.

    You should use your own private vehicle or pre-booked taxi to travel to the testing facility and back. If you use a taxi, you should only book one from the list of contact numbers provided.

     Service ProviderContact Number* 
     1 ComfortDelgro Taxi (Comfort & CityCab taxis) 6333 1133
     2 TransCab 6213 0997
     3 SMRT 6477 5971
     4 Prime 6776 7553
     5 Premier 6681 9462
     6 HDT 9832 2428
    *Operating hours: 8am - 6pm

    Please identify yourself as a person subject to a Stay-Home Notice when making the booking and when boarding the vehicle.

    When travelling in the taxi, you should sit alone in the back seat, with windows down and the air-conditioning turned off. Public transport should be avoided.


  4. Monitor your health closely

    i.e. Twice daily for fever (≥ 38°C) and respiratory symptoms such as cough and breathlessness. If you are unwell, wear a mask and seek medical attention immediately. Avoid contact with others.

    For life-threatening cases such as cardiac arrest, active seizures, breathlessness, major traumas and stroke, contact 995 directly for assistance.

    For individuals with respiratory symptoms (e.g. cough, fever, runny nose), contact the desk manager or equivalent if you are serving your SHN at a dedicated SHN facility. Otherwise, contact the SafeTravel Helpline (6812-5555) which covers queries on SHN.

    For all other non-emergencies (such as follow-up visits for chronic conditions, refilling of prescription, etc.):

    • For Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents and Long-Term Visit Pass holders, contact the desk manager or equivalent if you are serving your SHN at a dedicated SHN facility. Otherwise, please call the SafeTravel Helpline (6812-5555).


    • For students, you can seek assistance from your educational institution. Parents/ guardians of pre-school students can approach ECDA.


    • For foreign employees issued with a work pass, contact your employer or Singapore employment agency to assist you in making the necessary arrangements with the nearest GP clinic. However, if you have acute respiratory infection (eg. symptoms of sore throat, runny nose, loss of smell), please send your name, FIN and SHN residential address (i.e. Block, Floor, Unit No. and Postal Code) via WhatsApp (87253691) to MOM instead.


  5. Maintain good personal hygiene.

    Wash your hands regularly with soap and water. Flush the toilet after use, and wash your hands before and after handling food or eating, and after going to the toilet.

  6. Do not touch your face.

  7. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing.

  8. Maintain good indoor ventilation.

  9. Carry out frequent cleaning of your place of residence.

  10. Do not share food, crockery, utensils and other personal hygiene items.

  11. If you need to leave your room, eg. to go to the toilet, avoid touching any surfaces such as door knobs and handles, or wipe them down with disinfection should you do so.

  12. Masks are mandatory at all times when leaving the house e.g. if you need to seek medical attention.


Individuals who breach their Stay-Home Notice may be prosecuted under the Infectious Diseases (COVID-19 – Stay Orders) Regulations 2020. First-time offenders can be fined up to $10,000, jailed for up to six months, or both.
