How-Tos: How to Stay Safe on Public Transport How-Tos: How to Stay Safe on Public Transport
5 tips to make your journey a safe one
min read Published on 23 Jun 2020

With increased activities and movement of people, comes increased chances for infections.  So, before you step out your door, ask yourself if it’s absolutely necessary.

For those of you who have to travel and find yourself on public transport, here are some tips to keep your journey a safer one:

  1. Travel during Off-peak periods

    Safe distancing can be difficult onboard trains and buses, especially during peak hours.  Try to plan your journeys around off-peak periods instead, where there may be fewer commuters.

    Sit and stay apart from one another, if possible.

  2. Safe Distancing while queuing

    Try to keep to safe distances while waiting for the bus or train. Stand at least 1m apart from one another and do not rush when boarding.

  3. Keep your mask on

    Masks have to be worn at all times the moment you leave your home, and that includes throughout your journey on public transport.

  4. Try not to speak

    One way COVID-19 spreads is through droplets when we sneeze, cough and speak.  Try not to talk on public transport (even if it’s on the phone).

  5. Practise good hygiene

    Wash your hands with soap and water as soon as you can (especially after touching common surfaces), or use hand sanitiser if washing facilities are not available.  Remember to avoid touching your face.

While a low number of community cases means that the risk to commuters is low, we can reduce any risk further by being socially responsible and keeping to these measures. Remember, the health of all depends on each one of us.

For more tips on how to stay safe, check out our How-Tos.
